
Thursday, June 20, 2013


Growing up in Daddy's house, we had no books or magazines, few toys, and no Internet. When i was a teenager we got inside plumbing and a television.
I often got bored and looked for things to do. When the neighbor kids were outside, we put our "ball chasing dog" in the cellar and conjured up a ball game in the driveway. I played field position in the road.
We had necessities, but it was the upright piano in the living room that made me happy. Half the ivories were missing and it was out of tune, but it consumed hours and hours of my time. Along the way Daddy changed the dark wood to a streaky-like-beige finish.
All of us kids played chop sticks and most of us played more. My parents could only afford piano lessons for my oldest sister, Doris. Since I was child number ten, I taught myself to play and have been church pianist for many years.. Daddy played the piano and many stringed instruments by ear.
Thank you, Daddy for the piano. Thanks for taking us to church. Thanks for being a good father. Oh yes, thanks for giving us your music.