
Saturday, June 22, 2013


Psalm 3:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
There are times we may be tempted to ask, "Where's the goodness and mercy?"
The problem is that we often fail to recognize it. We are so trained to think that we must chase after what we call "good things", like a big screen television.
It is foreign for us to think about good things chasing after us. God has a conspiracy of beauty and love nipping at our heels, but our eyes aren't trained to see it in our lives. So often we miss it.
Where is the love, beauty, kindness, grace, and forgiveness that you are overlooking? Is it in a smile on a child's face or a hug? Is it a bright sunny day? Is it a memory of a wonderful moment in your life? Someone has said, "We traffic every day in overlooked blessings."
It is amazing how much better life gets when you start actively and purposefully looking for God's goodness and mercy in every experience. It will change your life.