
Saturday, January 14, 2012

How did you meet your spouse? Tell me about your salvation experience. Have you ever had to forgive someone who hurt you deeply? Because answers to these questions involve the heart, they touch you
Finding your soul mate usually makes you feel warm and fuzzy. Jesus reaching down and transforming your life may draw tears of humility. People never know true peace and joy until they become a child of God.
Forgiving is hard. Two types of forgiveness appear in the Bible: God’s pardon for our sins, and our obligation to pardon others. Forgiveness heals wounds. If you can’t forgive, read the verse to a song the Isaacs sing.
If He can love someon and find the good within,
In spite of what they’ve done,
No matter where they’ve been. If He can let it go
And set the debtor free, If He can keep forgiving you and me,
Why can’t we?

Friday, January 13, 2012

With the passing of VHS tapes, I mourned the covey stashed in my closet. A few years ago Gale and I bought a machine that copies VHS to DVD, but we never copied them until this week.
Christmas 1996-97-98 reminded me of where most of my clothes came from. In ’96 Gale and I lost a lot of weight on fin-fins, Chris and Tanya got married, I got a new baby grand digital piano and was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was our first Christmas with Tanya, Janee, and Dustin. It was exciting watching children unwrap presents again.
I had gained weight in the ‘97 video after reading that chemotherapy was more tolerable in plump bodies. That was the year I had surgery, two high-dose chemo treatments in the hospital, and radiation. People sent me angels and prayed for me.
In '98 Don and Penny got married and we shared our first Christmas with Don. Chris, Tanya and the kids drove up from Texas.
It’s a joy watching memories.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Here is a short list of what turning 70 means

Seen racial segregation
Born shortly before Pearl Harbor
Lived through World War Two and the Cold War
Born about the time of penicillin, other antibiotics, and sulfa drugs
Drove a week on a dollars worth of gas
Knows the comforts of an out house
Pushed a lawn mower with no motor
Bought his first car with paper route money

Happy birthday to my dear husband, Gale

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Let’s say you have a prayer request, the kind that hurts your heart. Stakes are high. How do you approach God? He already knows the problem, but He wants you to trust Him. Sometimes the words get stuck in your throat, but God knows your heart.
Sherry Easter sings a song about when you’ve prayed and everything seems to fall apart or scare you, “Praise His Name”. Jake Hess used to sing “Prayer is the Key to Heaven But Faith Unlocks the Door”.
At my darkest moments, the Lord gave me a song that got me through the storm. I like the song: “Take Your Burden to the Lord and Leave it There”.
Remind yourself of who God is and what He has done and that he loves you. Jesus said if you abide in me and I in you, ask what you will and I will do it. Simple faith as a child does wonders.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It’s been said that most Christians would not want revival to come to their church if they knew the requirements? Do you want revival? Ask God, “Lord, what will you have me do?”
First, pray. Set aside a special time. Pray for the evangelist. Ask God to help plan your finances to share expenses. Do you need to confess sin? You can’t have revival with sin in your life. Promise God that you will make Him first in your life. Perhaps you're not studying God’s word and praying every day. Resolve to do so.  Is there a problem with someone? Make it right.
Now that your heart is right (God knows) seek His leadership in the following: Feed the preacher and his family for supper one night either at your house, the pastor’s house, the church, or take them out.
Watch the nursery one night Prepare for a song. Attend and bring a guest.
“Hallelujah, Thine the glory, revive us again!”

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Posted on January 8, 2012 at 11:50 PM comments (0)
Today's sermon post will have to wait until tomorrow. After church tonight Chris and Tanya stopped at Chili's with us. Then they followed us home and we played six or seven bowling games on Wii.
I was the winner at first, and Chris regained his accurate throw from years past and beat us all. Tanya beat me once. Gale beat me once or twice.  Tanya and Gale got tired and quit so Chris and I played a game. In the middle of it Don and Penny called and I played the rest of the game talking on the phone and beat the socks off Chris. I do better when I'm talking on the phone.