
Saturday, February 4, 2012

The potter puts a lump of clay on a wheel, turning it with his foot pedal while he shapes it inside and out. Applying pressure for an opening, he makes a useful vessel. God is the potter. We are the clay. Whenever pressure comes in our lives we often jump off that wheel. An unfinished vessel has no use. If you jump off, don’t wonder why God isn’t using you. We must let God finish his work.
And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Jeremiah 18:4
When Jesus first saw me, I was marred. He didn’t throw me out. He put me back on the wheel and made another vessel. God is willing to put us back on the potter’s wheel when we damage our life. God will shape us until we are fit for use.
A lump of clay is just dirt. The potter makes it useful. Only God can take something worthless and make it precious. There is never a point in your life when you are done. God will use you in every way he can if you will let him. God can use anybody. Don’t jump off the wheel until he is finished.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Some Christians sing the right song while sitting in pews, but their heart is far from God. Their heart is cold. Once on fire for God, they've lost their appetite for Godly things. Serving God has become a burdon. Soon they will be drawn to worldly things.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.   Romans 12:2

Cold hearts cannot discern the spirit of God until they renew their mind. If we don't renew our minds, we will get farther away from God and His will for our lives. 

We must renew our heart daily through Bible study, spiritual songs, and prayer.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Our evangelist calls it parencytis when church members insist on enforcing tradition instead of God’s word. The Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees did it best. On one occasion they accused Jesus and his disciples of not obeying the law by not washing their hands before eating.
When someone strolls into church wearing earrings or tattoos or just don’t look like the rest of us, do we judge them? Do we try to make them like us or do we look at their heart? Don’t try to fill in the gap of scripture with traditional rules. That causes schisms in the church. Some shame people out of church because of man’s traditions.
Examine why we do what we do. We must have faith that God will groom people.
God help me to remember that I still need grace.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mama often asked the preacher and his family home for Sunday dinner. We usually ate fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and chocolate or apple pie. I always looked forward to it.
Tonight I fed the evangelist, our preacher and their families at church. We ate ham, mac and cheese, fresh green beans, sweet potato casserole, brown-n-serve rolls, and orange cake. Now that was pure joy and sweet fellowship.
Later the preacher fed us the Word of God and a stirring message about how God loved and instructed Peter even after he denied him. He said God will love us even when we mess up. Now that warmed my heart.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

God sends different kinds of storms in our lives. He sent a correction storm to Jonah so he would obey. There are perfecting storms. We may be doing everything right, but God wants to shape us and mold us in the image of His dear Son. Each storm has a purpose and God’s hand is in it.
The disciples were in God’s will. Jesus put them in a boat out in a bad storm. He could have avoided the storm, but look what they would’ve missed – Jesus walking on the water and calming the sea when they were terrified.
Jesus is watching you in the storm. He knows what you’re facing. You may not feel it and may think God doesn’t care about your situation, but He has power over the storm. How many valuable lessons would we have missed during storms?
Someone has said there is never panic in heaven. Every storm has an end. If Jesus put you in the storm, you know He’s coming for you. He will deliver you. We have to hold on to that.

Monday, January 30, 2012

If God wrote to America, I believe it would be like the Laodicean church letter as recorded in Revelation 3:14-22. These believers said they were well off and didn’t need anything. Their city and people were wealthy.
But Jesus said, “I’ve been watching you. You’re neither hot nor cold. You’re lukewarm.” He wanted to spew them out of his mouth. This church body started out on fire for God, but something or somebody stole their witness.
Is your life useful to Christ seven days a week? Your job, actions, and entertainment should be worship to God. Do you give sacrificially? Do you love the unlovable? I wonder how many times Jesus looks at me and says, “Are you worshiping me with that?”
Is your life lukewarm? Make it useful for Jesus. How about right now? Dedicate your life to God. Why? Because you love him.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I believe revival means humbled hearts submitting to God’s call with a zeal to serve Him better than before. True revival can produce rededications, restitutions, salvations, shouting (in the olden days), surrendering to the ministry, and peace and fellowship.
The evangelist or singers can’t bring revival. It’s when the Holy Spirit anoints the message and the songs and draws people to the feet of Jesus. When the people submit, we have revival.
Revival services start today at my church. I pray for a stirring that will burn in our hearts far into the future, resulting in spiritual fruits drawing others to Him.
“Hallelujah, Thine the glory, revive us again.”