
Thursday, April 12, 2012

People of the fourth generation after the flood spoke one language. No barriers could stop their imagination and what they might do. They decided to build a tower to heaven and make a name for themselves. Only faith -- not works -- will get you to heaven. 
God watched.
With clay, sand, and straw, they made bricks and spread slime for mortar, raising the first skyscraper toward the clouds.
“That’s enough,” God said as He changed their language so they couldn't understand each other. The project took a dive. What a miracle! God could’ve struck them all dead, but they wouldn't have seen His almighty poer. The Lord called the place the Tower of Babel (confusion) and scattered them abroad.
Today there are over 3,000 languages. Only one will be spoken in heaven. Do you ever wonder what God thinks when he pays attention to what you say, where you go, and what you do?  Whenever you decide to take things in your own hands without God, you are like these people who built the tower. Watch out.