How can eating meat sacrificed to idols be sinful?
Some in the Corinthian church ate the cheaper meat, but others, saved out of paganism, refused to eat it. Paul called them weak believers. It was causing division among them.
1 Corinthians 8:4 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is non other God but one.
The stronger saints had spiritual knowledge, experience, and understood their authority and freedom in Christ. But eating idol meat offended the weak members even though God allowed it. Paul tells them not to eat the meat if it offends their brothers and sisters in the Lord. It doesn't mean to cater to every whim.
You can't force-feed immature believers. Knowledge must be mixed with love; otherwise, the saints will end up with big heads instead of enlarged hearts. Where knowledge is balanced by love, the strong Christians will have a ministry to the weaker ones, and the weak Christians will grow and become strong. Love and patience works wonders