
Friday, September 28, 2012

Everything in creation, except man, obeys

. . . the will of God: Fire and hail, snow and vapor, and stormy wind fulfill His Word (Psalm 148:8).
In the book of Jonah you see the winds and waves and even the fish obeying God's commands; but the prophet persisted in disobeying. Even a plant and a little worm did what God commanded. But the prophet stubbornly wanted his own way.
Disobedience to God's will is a tragedy, but so is reluctant, grudging obedience. He loves a cheerful giver and doer.
What is the secret of cheerful obedience? It is to recognize it as a family matter.
D. L. Moody often said, "Every Bible should be bound in shoe leather." We show our love to God, not by empty words, but by willing works. We are not slaves obeying a master, we are children obeying a Father, and our sin is a family affair.