A beautiful chandelier,
. . . hanging from a pyramid ceiling of varnished planks, lures the eye when you first step into our new sanctuary.
A feeling of excitement swept over me as I found just the right pew on the piano side, marking an aisle seat with my name-inscribed Bible.
A long time coming, God constructed this house of worship with a handfull of believers, dedicated workers, and outside help that only He could muster. And my, how He's blessed us with more families and young people this past year. We are humbled.
A profound familiarity showers our new surroundings. The Spirit of God still flows through words to the music, but with greater acoustics. The power of God still beckons hearts as His Word is preached from the pulpit.
This coming Sunday, the round, rock-covered baptistry will be used for the first time, and fellowship will flourish at our first of many potlucks.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.