Considering Christ's Pre-Existence
How tragic the Pharisees, religious experts of the Jewish Law, didn't know their own Messiah as He stood before them. Jesus boldly made claims to deity. He would judge. He was sent by God. His Father was always with Him. He did what pleased His Father.
"Who are you?"
"I am exactly what I said."
"Where is your father?" They wanted him to say Joseph. When He said his origin was not of this world, they became angry. They couldn't accept the pre-existence of Christ before the world.
"We are Abraham's seed."
"Before Abraham was, I Am." That made them so angry they grabbed rocks to throw at Him, but He escaped.
If Christ didn't exist from eternity, there would be no trinity -- only the Father and the Spirit. There would be no redemption. Jesus would be a man just like us.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Verse 14 of John 1 says The Word became flesh and dwelt among men.
Our God has no beginning and no end. That's why we have eternal life and a place in Heaven.