
Saturday, March 23, 2013


Historian Philip Schaff was absolutely correct when he wrote:Jesus of Nazareth, without money and arms, conquered more millions than Alexander, Caesar, Mohammed and Napoleon . . . 
Skeptics say that Jesus was just a good teacher. Good teachers don't claim to be God. Some say He was only a good example. Examples don't run around with sinners, prostitutes, and drunkards. Others say He was a religious fanatic. Madmen don't have clarity of thought and show kindness and love.
Skeptics also say He was a religious phony. Phonies don't rise from the dead. Others say He was a phantom. Phantoms cannot be nailed to a cross and bleed. To those who say Jesus was a myth, myths do not set the calendar of man's history.
Jesus asked his disciples an interesting question. "Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?"
"Some say John the Baptist; some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, one of the prophets."
Matthew 16:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God
Who is Jesus to you?.