There are people who attend church every Sunday without experiencing God. True worship doesn't just happen. Do we think we can stumble into church with no preparation to worship, full of ourselves, full of the world, and feel close to God by just being there?
The lord has promised over and over in His Word that if we will seek His face, He will be found. Do we long to feel God's presence? Do we thirst to hear His voice?
God's people need a passion for His presence in our lives and in our worship. Instead of daring worship leaders to draw us in, we must enter with a desire to worship.
Before we can truly experience the presence of God in our worship, we must acknowledge His Son Jesus Christ.
John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.
When people connect with God, there is persuasive, life-changing power.