Advice To Graduates
High school and college graduates will find success on the path of life as they use the following recipe:
- Know you are a born again child of God
- Consider every decision, every activity, every plan and purpose in the light of eternity, laid out before The Lord.
- Focus on Heavenly things.
- Avoid getting caught up in things of the world that would swamp your mind and hinder your walk.
- Focus on the Word of God and prayer.
- Allow Jesus to live through you.
- Have faith in God--give Him the rubble in your path.
- Wherever you roam, find a true church.
- Should you stumble, look to Jesus; He will lift you up.
- Never forget that God is always with you.
Psalm 16:11 Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forever more.