How I Became Rich
2 Corinthians 8:9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through his poverty might be rich.
It was grace that caused the Jewel of Heaven to leave His Glory and face poverty and a cruel cross for the sins of mankind.
In Heaven He was rich--rich in glory, love, praise, silver, gold, diamonds, power, wisdom, and more.
After Bethlehem, He became poor in the world He made. He had no place to call His own. The ground was His couch, the Meadow His table, the tree His roof, the rock His pillow, the brook His basin, the breeze His towel, and the wind His comb.
Jesus paid a debt He didn't owe; I owed a debt I couldn't pay. He gave Himself that I might be rich in Him--free from the burden of sin-guilt and the dread of God's wrath. I'm so unworthy.
Praise God! Now I'm a child of the King. That's amazing grace.