The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem was prophesied by Micah 700 years earlier. Joseph and Mary were living in Nazareth. It probably never entered their mind to go to Bethlehem. An eighty mile trip would've been hard on an expectant mother.
Luke 2:1 And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Ceasar Agustus, that all the world should be taxed.
God used a pagan emperor to ensure that His Son would be born in the right place at the right time.
Jesus was born to die. Every lamb, ram, goat, bird, etc., that had been sacrificed through the ages pointed to the Special Birth.
Jesus is why Noah built an Ark, Abraham built an altar, Moses built a Tabernacle, Solomon built a Temple, God built a hill called Calvary. Jesus came to earth to be our savior. Why? Because He loves you and me.