Christ's Greatest Miracle
Some people believe the greatest miracle of Christ was the crucifixion; others the resurrection or His healings, feeding the multitude with loaves and fishes or the transfiguration.
These reveal His divine power, but His greatest miracle is the day He became a man and remained God.
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore The Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel.
When Jesus was conceived in the womb of a virgin, the plan of the ages moved out of eternity and into time. God robed Himself in human flesh and came into the world.
The Christmas message is that Jesus came to die for your sins to save you from hell. That's love. Then He rose from the grave and returned to Heaven.
For me, His greatest miracle is saving a sinner like me. Trust Him by faith to forgive your sins and you will forever be saved by His mighty power.