
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Put It In God's Hand

1 Kings 17:9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee.

God sends Ravens to feed Elijah twice a day at Brook Cherith, After awhile the brook dries up for lack of rain, and the Lord directs him to a widow woman who He prepared to feed him.

Elijah finds her picking up sticks to cook her last meal for her and her son. Then they will die because that’s all the food she has. Yet, she obeys a God she hadn’t known for a prophet she didn’t know. She cooks all she has to feed the prophet. What faith!

But, as she  takes meal out of the barrel, God puts more in and replenishes the oil. For three years God feeds them as others nearby starve to death because of a famine.

Our two sticks, meal and oil will accomplish very little, but little is much when God is in it. He can do wonders with what we leave in His care.

All David had was a sling, a shepherd’s staff and a few stones, but in the hand of God he killed  a giant.------ All Moses had was a shepherd’s staff, but in the hand of God it parted a sea.---- All a little boy had was five loaves and two fishes, but in the hand of God it fed a multitude.

What do you need to put into God’s hand? --- An impossible situation? --- Lost family members? --- Sickness, sin or your lost soul? Let go. Put it in God’s hand.