Can you imagine graves of saints bursting open all over the world and bodies rising to meet Jesus in the clouds? Can you imagine born again Christians living at that time being “caught up” to meet Jesus in the air? Another definition for “caught up” in the original Greek language is “Rapture”. I’m longing for the “Rapture”.
Jesus' second coming will be in two distinct stages: First the “Rapture”, then, I believe, seven years later after the Great Tribulation, He will return to earth in all His glory, bringing His saints with Him.
The very One who could be your Savior today will then be your judge. If you have never accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, according to the inspired Word of God you won’t go to heaven. Think about it. Regardless of what you hear, Hell is real.
When Jesus came the first time men mocked Him, rejected Him and put Him to death. The second time He will come as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to rule the world in righteousness.
Come, Lord Jesus.