
Friday, November 17, 2017

So Blessed

Living in a world of chaos, we still have a lot to be thankful for. It’s time to count our blessings.

Though I’m taking chemo and had my head shaved, I've only had a couple bad days and the Lord has answered when I asked for strength to do what I must. I'm so blessed.

The cancer could’ve attacked other body parts but was contained within the uterus extracted at surgery. We prayed for that. I’m so blessed.

Medical researchers discovered this kind of cancer returns within five years, but now the odds are extremely high that it won’t with chemotherapy. I’m so blessed.

Wonderful family and friends, awesome grandbabbies, material blessings, church unity, answered prayers, redeemed, loved,---It’s impossible to put a number on all my blessings.

Thank You Lord.

Psalm 100:4-5  Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.