
Friday, June 22, 2012

Barnabas was generous, faithful, and trustworthy.

...He had a gift of seeking the good in people and encouraging them. 

Saul, a religious zealot, was on a mission to kill Christians when God changed his life forever on the Damascus Road. He renamed him Paul.

Can you imagine becoming a preacher with his reputation? Christians were afraid of him. When Paul went to meet the apostles, he needed someone to speak for him, someone he could trust. Barnabas boldly told them about his salvation, convincing them to accept him as a brother in Christ. 

We need to see the good in each other, not just the bad. Barnabas saw the good in Paul and was chosen to accompany him on his first missionary trip. Paul became one of the greatest missionaries on earth. 

Pastors, deacons, Sunday school teachers, singers, piano players, church cleaners, and pew warmers should be encouragers.