
Tuesday, July 23, 2013


The following was found on the web: "A fundamentalist is a Christian who believes in the Bible word-for-word. They are generally racist and homophobic."
This statement is not about the fundamentalist, but the fundamentals of our faith. We should study the following fundamentals in the Bible.
1. The infallible Scriptures
2. The virgin birth and the deity of Christ
3. The doctrine of substitutionary atonement by God's grace and through human faith
4. The bodily resurrection of Jesus
5. The authenticity of Christ's miracles and His pre-millennial second coming
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Are we rightly dividing the Word of God? Before and after Scriptures usually answer these questions. Seek the true meaning of words and overall truths. When studying Scripture always ask:
Who is speaking?
Who is being spoken to?
What is the occasion?
Why is it being said?
What about your personal theology? Do you know what you believe and why you believe it?