
Friday, June 6, 2014

Lest I Forget

Psalm 103.2 Bless The Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits.
How could I forget? How could I be so foolish as to be distracted from His glory by mundane and trivial events of life?
But for God's grace I would have squandered my life by seeking things that never satisfy. May I never forget the cross of Christ and Redemption.
And may I always remember that I am never beyond the touch of my Lord.
God has repeatedly lifted me from the jagged rocks of affliction and pain and restored me with spiritual strength and victory. May I never forget.
But we do forget from time to time. When we remember, the problems of life fade into insignificance, and God becomes more glorious and more precious than before.
Roll back the curtain of memory now and then
Show me where you brought me from
And where I could have been
Remember I'm human and human's forget
So remind me, remind me, dear Lord.
Dottie Rambo